Tao Wang's page

Profile photo
I am currently a senior economist at the Bank of Canada.

Research interest

  • Expectation/belief formation and its macro implications
  • Behavioral and heterogeneous-agent macro
  • Micro data for macro questions
  • Open-source computational economics with Python

Contact information

  • Email: taowangeconomics@gmail.com

What's new

  • Publication of the social network paper in the European Economic Review
  • Scheduled presentation at NASMES (Nashville) and IAAE 2024 (Thessaloniki)
  • Scheduled presentation at T2M (Amsterdam) and SED 2024 (Barcelona)
  • A presentation on Epidemiological Expectations at University of Ottawa
  • A new working paper on subjective macroeconomic models
  • Reading group presentation on consumer bankruptcy
  • More
  • Scheduled presentation at ASSA (2024) (San Antonio, Texas)
  • Scheduled presentation at IAAE annual conference (Oslo), Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society (Virtual), and EEA-ESEM (Barcelona).
  • Presented at the SNDE Symposium
  • Handbook of Economic Expectations available online
  • Scheduled presentation at the SNDE-2022 Symposium for Young Researchers
  • Scheduled presentation at the Midwest Macro
  • Presented at the University of Bologna
  • Presented at the University of Copenhagen
  • Presented in the 4th Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop
  • A new working paper on epidemiological models of expectation formation via social interactions
  • A Jupyter notebook of an epidemiological model of stock investors (Shiller and Pound (1989))
  • Co-organing the upcoming AEA session "Expectations, Beliefs and Behaviors during the Pandemic"
  • A discussion of HANK-SAM paper by Morten O. Ravn and Vincent Sterk (2019)
  • An updated draft of the inflation uncertainty paper
  • Presentation at the PhD-EVS
  • A discussion of non-homothetic preference in life-cycle by Ludwig Straub(2019)
  • A revised draft of the "friends and consumption" with a model of learning from social network
  • New working paper on how social network affected consumption responses in the pandemic
  • Accepted for presentation in Whitebox conference by Yale SOM
  • Department presentation of Perceived Income Risks. (Preliminary)
  • Admitted to attend the NBER behavioral macro boot camp in March
  • A research proposal on perceived income risks
  • A draft of my working paper studying the expectation formation using density forecast surveys
  • A Jupyter notebook illustrating dimensionality reduction for heterogeneous-agent models by Bayer & Luetticke
  • A Jupyter notebook illustrating how the discrete cosine transformation from image processing can be used by economists
  • Jupyter notebook discussion of family labor supply and asset returns
  • Discussion of information cascade (Bikhchandani et al. 1992)
  • Jupyter notebook replicating Krusell & Smith (1998) via HARK
  • Discussion of Coibion et al. (2015) on firms' inflation expectations
  • Discussion of ambiguity-averse preference